FY 2021 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Educational Programs

funds provide full day programming for four-year olds at various income levels. The district has adopted the Connect 4 Learning program for use in the prekindergarten classrooms. Students learn through integrated, project-based units of study that explore a variety of topics with a focus on science and mathematics. There are over 700 four-year old children participating in this program at 11 sites. Each morning or afternoon session can ideally accommodate 20 children; a certified teacher and instructional assistant are provided. All eligible children applying to the program must be accepted as mandated by COMAR. Therefore, it may be necessary for a location to exceed the ideal ratio from time to time. Locations are: • Beaver Run* (all students at WELC) • Pemberton Elementary • Pinehurst Elementary • Prince Street Elementary • West Salisbury Elementary • Westside Primary • Willards Elementary • Wicomico Early Learning Center *Prekindergarten students at these locations receive half-day services. JUDY HOYER PROGRAM The Judith P. Hoyer Early Child Care and Education Program serves children ages birth through 5 years. This grant funded, comprehensive early care and educational program provides services for young children and their families for the purpose of promoting continuous improvement towards school readiness. Additionally, students may receive community-based services such as vision, dental and mental health as warranted. The Judy Hoyer Center’s full-day classes are: PreK-3 for three year old children, PreK-4 for the four year old children, and Kindergarten. Participation in these program services is limited to the specific school boundary areas identified within the grant. The locations/ grades presently served by the Judy Hoyer Program are: • Beaver Run Elementary (Kindergarten; PreK-3 year olds and PreK-4 year olds @ Wicomico Early Learning Center) • Pemberton Elementary (PreK-3 year olds, PreK-4 year olds, and Kindergarten) • Charles H. Chipman • Delmar Elementary* • Fruitland Primary • Northwestern Elementary*

Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY 2021


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