FY 2022 Capital Improvement Plan & Budget

FY2021 C.I.P. Canceled Projects

The following report lists projects that have been canceled from last year's budget request. They are no longer required for various reasons and have been eliminated from the CIP document. Typically they have been accomplished through the use of other funding sources, or conditions have changed whereby the project is no longer needed.

Project #


County Total

State Total



43.06.515 Parkside High: Special Initiatives - Electrical

Project canceled - Wicomico Emergency Management planned project.



45.13.540 Wicomico Middle: Systemic Renovation - HVAC

Project completed with other funding sources.



56.11.546 Stadium / Field House: Site - Fields and Grounds

Project completed with other funding sources.

FY2021 Canceled Projects Totals:




WCBOE: Planning + Construction

FY2022 CIP (FINAL rev. 9/3/2020)

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