FY 2022 Educational Facilities Master Plan
Larry Hogan, Governor Boyd Rutherford, Lt. Governor
Robert S. McCord, Secretary Sandy Schrader, Deputy Secretary
April 30, 2021
Dr. Donna C. Hanlin Superintendent
Wicomico County Public Schools 2424 Northgate Drive, Suite 100 Salisbury, MD 21801
Dear Dr. Hanlin: Enclosed for your review and evaluation are the latest public school enrollment projections for your jurisdiction prepared by our Planning Data and Research division at the Maryland Department of Planning (Planning). These enrollment projections are being sent to you prior to preparation and printing of our publication, Public School Enrollment Projections 2021 - 2030. A final version of this document, containing projections for the entire State, each of the 23 counties and Baltimore City, will be posted online on the Maryland Department of Planning’s State Data Center’s website when it becomes available in late August or early September. For planning purposes, these data represent a reasonable scenario for the future, given recent and long-term birth, migration and demographic patterns. These public school enrollment projections reflect: a) Population Projections: Planning's population projections (total population and school age populations) through 2029 with a 2010 Census baseline. These projections were last revised in December 2020. b) Birth Information: This includes actual births for calendar year (CY) 2019 from the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), Division of Vital Statistics. We are using birth data provided by MDH geocoded for the mother’s jurisdictional address. Births are then estimated for CY 2020 using preliminary six-month estimates and are projected for CYs 2020 through 2025 based on our latest population projections through 2025. Relevant historical and projected calendar-year birth projections are then reformulated into “kindergarten and first grade-eligible” births based on current age requirements for these two grades.
Maryland Department of Planning • 301 West Preston Street, Suite 1101 • Baltimore • Maryland • 21201 Tel: 410.767.4500 • Toll Free: 1.877.767.6272 • TTY users: Maryland Relay • Planning.Maryland.gov
Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY 2022
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