FY 2022 Educational Facilities Master Plan
Wicomico County Grades 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Kindergarten 1,174 1,150 1,331 1,233 1,216 1,194 1,156 1,135 1,131 1,175 943 Elementary Special 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Ungraded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Public School Historical Enrollments 2010 - 2020
6 1,012 1,027 1,006 985 1,012 1,010 998 970 1,120 1,153 1,054 7 980 1,042 996 997 974 1,022 1,011 1,004 957 1,098 1,103 8 1,006 977 1,029 992 994 982 1,037 1,011 1,001 971 1,107 9 1,043 1,127 1,081 1,116 1,107 1,132 1,137 1,193 1,161 1,163 1,056 10 962 963 1,016 962 1,031 1,044 1,058 1,074 1,069 1,071 1,076 11 1,029 901 926 947 905 995 964 993 987 1,013 1,013 12 968 1,023 913 916 945 913 983 963 987 964 983 Secondary Special 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Secondary Ungraded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Preliminary for LEA Review
1 1,165 1,164 1,144 1,317 1,277 1,265 1,210 1,172 1,170 1,197 1,109 2 1,154 1,150 1,150 1,120 1,279 1,253 1,238 1,173 1,150 1,182 1,132 3 1,138 1,183 1,148 1,137 1,127 1,264 1,245 1,244 1,210 1,167 1,117 4 1,165 1,161 1,150 1,139 1,135 1,125 1,270 1,253 1,253 1,231 1,129 5 1,014 998 988 979 969 1,004 983 1,103 1,107 1,084 1,062
Elementary Ungraded + (K-5) 6,810 6,806 6,911 6,925 7,003 7,105 7,102 7,080 7,021 7,036 6,492 (6-8) 2,998 3,046 3,031 2,974 2,980 3,014 3,046 2,985 3,078 3,222 3,264 (9-12) 4,002 4,014 3,936 3,941 3,988 4,084 4,142 4,223 4,204 4,211 4,128 (6-12) + Secondary Ungraded 7,000 7,060 6,967 6,915 6,968 7,098 7,188 7,208 7,282 7,433 7,392 Total School Enrollment 13,810 13,866 13,878 13,840 13,971 14,203 14,290 14,288 14,303 14,469 13,884 Data prepared by Maryland Department of Planning
Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY 2022
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