FY 2022 Educational Facilities Master Plan
The benefits of JROTC are reflected in metrics below impacting all schools in the U.S. Specific to Wicomico, 60% of our cadets have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, 96% attendance, and 70% of senior cadets enlist in the military or attend a 2 or 4 year college institution. Average School JROTC Attendance 88% 92% Graduation 86% 95% In-Discipline 15% 3% Drop-Out 3% 0.5% GPA 2.47 3.00 JROTC is a successful program, making substantial contributions to students, schools, and our communities which benefit greatly from its presence. FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN A full day kindergarten program is implemented in 11 primary/elementary locations serving 976 students. The full day program allows teachers to effectively provide in- depth instruction while pacing to meet individual needs, and foster positive parent-teacher relationships. At the present time, the district has fully implemented the transition to Maryland’s College and Career Readiness Standards. Kindergarten classrooms utilize curricula from Fountas & Pinnell Interactive Read Alouds, Lucy Calkins Writer’s Workshop, and the McGraw – Hill Mathematics Programs. The locations are: • Beaver Run Elementary
• Charles H. Chipman • Delmar Elementary • Fruitland Primary • Northwestern Elementary • Pemberton Elementary • Pinehurst Elementary • Prince Street Elementary • West Salisbury Elementary • Westside Primary • Willards Elementary
PRE-KINDERGARTEN Pre-kindergarten, a program for children who are three and four-years old and are considered living at the poverty level as recognized by the current federal poverty standards and/or current federal homeless definition, receive instruction daily. Ten of our 11 prekindergarten sites receive PreKindergarten Expansion Grant funds. These funds provide full day programming for three and four-year olds at various income levels. The district has adopted the Frog Street program and Connect 4 Learning programs for use in the prekindergarten classrooms. Students learn through integrated, project-based units of study that explore a variety of topics with a focus on science and mathematics.
Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY 2022
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