FY 2022 Educational Facilities Master Plan
environmental and/or code compliance issues that may need to be addressed and included as part of the project. The plan should endeavor to address the goals of the strategic plan by supporting the concept of a safe and secure learning environment. 9. Community Use: • When planning school facilities, consideration should include additional square footage to support neighborhood and community use of the facility. 10. Facility Impact Procedures: • Continue the process of “change management” control procedures to budget and manage the introduction or consideration of any school-based initiatives, programs or staff changes, facility improvements or building/site modifications to any of the Board’s physical assets. • No program or initiative should be implemented unless funding and/or space are available to support such a program. 11. High Performance Schools: • Continue to use the principles of high performance school design and sustainable “green building” strategies to influence design considerations. 12. Capital Improvement and Renewal Planning: • Utilize best practices in building and equipment life cycle analysis when planning capital renewal and replacement projects. • Consider integrating the concepts of Facility Condition Index (FCI) and Facility Quality Index (FQI) into the planning models when analyzing facilities. • When at all possible, consideration should be made so that no school is allowed to operate longer than 16-20 years without being identified in the Capital Improvement Plan as a candidate for a systemic renewal or renovation program. • Pending funding availability, no school should be allowed to continue in service as a school facility for students beyond 50 years without undergoing a major renovation, upgrade or modernization project. 13. Facility Master Plan Coordination: • Develop future educational facilities within the guidelines of Wicomico County’s Comprehensive Plan. 14. Land Bank Strategy; • Begin efforts in designating strategically located properties throughout the county in order to help address future potential school construction needs in coordination with Wicomico County Planning & Zoning and applicable city or town councils. • Exploration should be made into the feasibility and potential viability of acreage “set-a-sides” or “fees” from area developers as part of the planning process which could be used for future school projects. • Property acquisitions should be for the long term and must be consistent with the concepts of smart growth and integrate the needs of Recreation and Parks as might be applicable.
Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY 2022
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