FY 2022 Educational Facilities Master Plan
seventh, and eighth grades. Three string instructors are assigned to the five middle schools to make the most efficient use of the staff who are also responsible for teaching at other county schools. Currently there are 150 students enrolled in the middle school string programs: 9 students at Mardela, 46 at Bennett Middle, 13 at Pittsville Middle, 33 at Salisbury Middle, and 49 at Wicomico Middle. For rehearsals, the program makes use of rehearsal rooms at Pittsville and Bennett Middle, the stage at Wicomico Middle and
Mardela, and a portable at Salisbury Middle. WICOMICO COUNTY ESOL PROGRAM
The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is a program designed to meet the needs of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The ESOL program provides instructional services for students in
kindergarten through grade twelve. All elementary ELLs attend their home schools. Inclusion and pullout programs operate in the elementary schools. The ESOL teacher works with the English Language learner individually or in small groups to develop skills that will increase English proficiency. The time frame for individual/small group instruction depends on the proficiency and grade level of each student. Space must be provided for the ESOL teacher to instruct students in a safe and efficient learning environment.
Secondary ESOL students attend their home schools as well. This is a change to the center-based program that was utilized in the past. Based upon their proficiency levels, these students attend a scheduled class period at their school with their ESOL teacher. The ESOL classes are divided into levels ESOL I, II, III, and IV, and directly focus on developing and increasing English proficiency. The high school students enrolled in an ESOL course may earn up to two World Language completer credits as well as elective credit. The ESOL teachers in the secondary schools also provide support in the mainstreamed classrooms. In order to provide additional support to high school students new to the country and the language, the English Language Support Center provides newcomer instruction at Schumaker Complex. This half-day program allows students to receive scaffolding content instruction in a sheltered environment, preparing them to better meet the demands of their high school level courses when they return to their home schools. As the EL population continues to grow, ESOL instruction helps prepare students for achievement in the regular classrooms and on formative and summative assessments. After school tutoring is also available to the students. The results of English proficiency assessments are used to determine when a student will exit the ESOL program.
Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY 2022
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