FY 2022 Educational Facilities Master Plan
On March 12, 2020 Governor Larry Hogan along with Dr. Karen Salmon, State Superintendent of Schools directed the closure of all public schools in Maryland beginning Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 27 in order to slow the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
During this period of time all school systems across the nation pivoted as administrators, faculty, and staff implemented measures for continuity of educational services in preparation of a prolonged period of school closure. In 2 short weeks WCPS shifted to remote virtual learning. Devices and hotspots were issued while lessons and curiculum content was adapted using platforms like Google Classroom, Zoom, and many others to continue to meet the needs of our student population.
While all areas have been effected by the COVID-19 pandemic, six foot distancing, sanitization requirements, and gradual shifts to hybrid and in-person learning during the 2020-2021 school year has impacted some of the data represented in this document. Specifically enrollments are down across the district and the availability of some program offerings has been limited. It is worth noting WCPS anticipates a return to 5 days a week in-person learning for the 2021-2022 school year and have accounted for such in our projected enrollments included in section 6 of this document.
Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY 2022
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