FY 2022 Capital Improvement Plan & Budget
FY2021 C.I.P. Deferred Projects
The following report lists projects and funding requests that were included as part of last year's Capital Budget Request but were not approved for funding. These deferred projects may be included in the current year's request or in a future year's request.
Project #
45.06.431 Wicomico Middle: Systemic Renovation - Plumbing
46.06.519 Wicomico High School: Systemic Renovation - Plumbing
Stadium / Field House: Retrofit - Bleachers - Visitor
56.11.546 Stadium / Field House: Site - Fields and Grounds
63.051.422 General All Schools: Special Initiatives - Electrical
63.12.558 General All Schools: Special Initiatives - Security Cameras
63.12.559 General All Schools: Special Initiatives - Access Control
64.061.97 General Topic: Special Initiatives - Code Compliance
FY2021 Deferred Projects Totals:
* Indicates that a funding request was only partially funded
WCBOE: Planning + Construction
FY2022 CIP (FINAL rev. 9/3/2020)
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