FY 2022 Educational Facilities Master Plan
Wicomico Evening HS 11 22 23 30 86 ** subtotal HIGH: 1056 1076 1013 983 4,128 4042
Wicomico County Public Schools Enrollment Date: September 30, 2020 Enrollment Enrollment Headcount* F.T.E** ELEM Y3 HT Pre-K** FT Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Current Current 1 Beaver Run 16 59 144 159 168 546 530.0 14 Chipman Elem 32 81 104 217 217.0 2 Delmar Elem 63 133 155 174 153 165 843 811.5 3 East Salisbury 113 145 141 399 399.0 4 Fruitland Primary 14 30 85 119 130 378 364.0 5 Fruitland Intermediate 145 139 133 417 417.0 6 Glen Ave 103 95 97 114 409 409.0 7 North Salisbury 152 152 167 471 471.0 8 Northwestern 20 52 46 41 41 51 57 308 308.0 9 Pemberton 19 42 80 89 86 72 70 59 517 498.0 10 Pinehurst 35 79 66 85 69 71 84 489 489.0 11 Pittsville Elem / Middle*** 57 69 126 126.0 13 Prince Street 48 99 123 112 116 109 124 731 731.0 16 West Salisbury 44 79 89 95 307 307.0 17 Westside Primary 28 55 98 181 181.0 18 Westside Intermediate 82 94 73 114 363 363.0 19 Willards Elem 20 56 61 56 67 260 260.0 subtotal ELEM: 49 63 358 943 1109 1132 1117 1129 1062 6,962 6,881.5 MID 6th 7th 8th 40 Bennett Middle 321 311 348 980 980 45 Wicomico Middle 274 281 274 829 829 49 Salisbury Middle School 291 310 296 897 897 42 Mardela Middle / High**** 91 110 96 297 297 11 Pittsville Elem / Middle*** 77 91 93 261 261 subtotal MIDDLE: 1054 1103 1107 3,264 3264 HIGH 9th 10th 11th 12th 41 J.M.Bennett High 351 358 333 320 1,362 1362
42 Mardela Middle / High**** 102 97 104 74 377 377 43 Parkside High 285 269 279 280 1,113 1113 46 Wicomico High 307 330 274 279 1,190 1190
Notes: * Headcount calculation includes ALL students Y3 - 12 & Evening HS H.C. F.T.E. ** F.T.E calculation excludes Y3 & Evening HS students and counts each Half Time Pre-K student as .5 Current Current HC FTE Subtotal Elementary: 6,962 6,881.5 *** Pittsville Totals 387 387.0 Subtotal Secondary (Middle+High): 7,392 7,306 **** Mardela Totals 674 674.0 Grand Total: 14,354 14,187.5
Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY 2022
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