FY 2022 Educational Facilities Master Plan
PK4-12th 506 Accreditation Middle State Association of Colleges & Schools (MSA)/ Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Salisbury School PK3 - 12th TOTAL 328 Certificate of Approval from MSDE / Middle State Association / Use Educational Records PK4-12th 312 National Association of MD Independent Schools Comprehensive Bureau (ERB)
MAJOR NON-PUBLIC SCHOOL INFORMATION LEA: WICOMICO COUNTY DATE: March 20, 2020 School Name Grades Enrollments (+/-) Accreditations Comments Asbury Child Development Center Ages 2 - K TOTAL 102 Certificate of Approval from MSDE PK4-K 45 Bundles of Joy 6 wks - 1st TOTAL 86 Child Care Licensed/ PK4-1st 23 Accreditation from MSDE
Faith Baptist PK3 - 12th TOTAL 129 Registered to operate with MSDE Use Stanford testing PK4-12th 123
St. Francis de Sales Catholic School PK3 - 8th TOTAL 197 Registered to operate with MSDE/ PK4-8th 158 Middle State Association Salisbury Baptist Academy K - 12th TOTAL 69 Registered to operate with MSDE/ Use Stanford testing
Stepping Stones Learning 6 wks - 12th TOTAL 240 Certificate of Approval from MSDE / NCPSA / Middle States Association (2 Centers) PK4-12th 132 Child Care Licensed Delmarva Early Learning Center 6 weeks - PK4 TOTAL 84 Certificate of Approval from MSDE (Formerly Tender Heart Childcare) PK4 27 Maryland Excels Level 5 Accreditation Wicomico Day School 6 wks - 8th TOTAL 324 Certificate of Approval from MSDE PK4-8th 240 Child Care Licensed Northwood Early Learning Center 6 wks - PK4 TOTAL 81 PK4 7 Corner Campus 6 wks - PK4 TOTAL 50 Certificate of Approval from MSDE PK4 11 Maryland Excels Early Learning Center Lighthouse Christian 6 wks - K TOTAL 82 Pk4-K 29 Impact Child Development 6 wks - PK4 TOTAL 43 Certificate of Approval from MSDE PK4 7 Salisbury Learning Center 6 wks - PK4 TOTAL 56 Certificate of Approval from MSDE PK4 10 Maryland Excels Early Learning Center
Accredited with American Baptist Association Salisbury Christian School PK3 -12th TOTAL 515 Certificate of Approval from MD. State Bd. of Education/
Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY 2022
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